Crew space Korn an akipajoù

Crew space

Find out all about the boat crews, so you can enjoy the festivities.

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Lenn hag adlenn hol Lizheroù-kelaouiñ

April - may 2024

The Brest International Maritime Festival ... It's also ashore !

April - May 2024

The Brest International Maritime Festival ...... It's also ashore!

mars 2024

Ports Escales from July 5 to 11, the party before the holidays ! Presentation of the ports around Brest that are organizing to welcome festival boats en route to the edition of the Maritime festival .

March 2024

" Ports-Escales" : Stopovers Harbours, Festivities before the festival from July 5 to 11 Harbours around Brest get organised to welcome boats coming to the Fêtes Maritimes

February 2024

The Brest 2024 flotilla is almost complete ! Applications currently received are placed on a waiting list, with no guarantee of participation. The port is already saturated.

February 2024

The Brest 2024 fleet is almost complete! Registration requests currently received are placed on a waiting list, with no guarantee of participation – the port is already full.

Documents to download

Teulioù da bellgargañ

Frequently asked questions

Foar ar Goulennoù

Please read these frequently asked questions carefully. If you have any further questions, please contact the team at this e-mail address :

The port is saturated and we closed pre-registrations on December 23. Since then, we’ve been putting boats that meet our criteria on a waiting list. Registration is free of charge.

Your boat is a heritage boat and/or is of interest to the history of sailing. Our decision also depends on other requests and the port’s capacity.

Arrival and departure dates

The festival dates are July 12 to 17, 2024. A big parade is organized towards Douarnenez on July 18.

Boats can arrive as early as the 10th. For reasons of assembly and availability, we strongly advise crews to arrive on July 11.

For trailer launches, the Moulin Blanc slipway is available for self-service from 10/07. We identify and organize your needs for launching/unlaunching by travel lift or crane + mast. Please do not contact the Marina du Moulin Blanc about this matter – we centralize all questions and requests.

In the run-up to the festivities, a number of local ports offer a special program of entertainment and hospitality: the “Ports-Escales”.

Parking for trailers will be provided nearby. You will then have to park your vehicle in the parking lots provided by Brest Métropole.

We’ve drawn up a mooring plan to the best of our ability. This mooring plan will be communicated to you in June. It takes into account your hull length and the characteristics of your boat. We can of course consider your request if you have mobility difficulties.

Can I/should I use my dinghy ?

Festival boats are all positioned on the pontoon (with direct access to the quay) or alongside. There will be no need for a dinghy to disembark. Sailing with a boat without a flag is forbidden.

Festival perimeter on land and at sea

The Marina du Château is within the festival perimeter – there will be no visitor spaces available.
Visitor spaces will be available at the Marina du Moulin Blanc, without reservation.

Are there any restrictions on anchoring or sailing in Brest harbour during the festival season?

Festival boats, like any other craft, can operate in and around the Rade, in the knowledge that the area will be subject to a prefectoral decree governing navigation, as in previous editions.

Only the festival zone is off-limits to boats other than festival boats. Within this zone, traffic regulations will be issued shortly before the event, when the program of nautical activities will be set.

Mooring places are available in nearby ports, which you’ll need to contact. Some ports offer a special welcome for festival boats: the Ports Stopovers. There will be no mooring possible in the festival area for all boats other than festival boats.

The program of nautical activities is currently being defined (April 2024). We’ll keep you informed by e-mail, and this FAQ will be updated in June.

Espace Équipages is located in the Chantier du Guip, Quai du Commandant Malbert, in the Maritime Heritage Village.

10/07 : 14h-18h30
11 to 17/07: 8:30am to 6:30pm (until 10pm on 11 and 12)

Contact details : 48.38021 ; -4.4876

In view of the large number of crew members (thousands), we have decided not to provide a canteen for them.

In May, we may be able to offer a limited number of paying group accommodation solutions, but we can’t guarantee anything. We therefore advise you to make your own arrangements.

Areas of camping-cars + tent

Please contact the Brest Métropole Tourist Office, specifying that you are part of the crew of a festival boat.

💻 See the website

📞 +33(0)2 98 44 24 96

The Parvis

Mediterranean Stopover & City tourism Village

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Wednesday, July 17

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