Association Quay Association Quay

Association Quay


Quai de la douane
between  grand large and criée

Le quai des associations will host various actors who will share their commitment with the general public : SOS Méditerranée, Association Eric Tabarly, Association pacifique, Sea Shepherd, Watch the Sea, Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Eau et Rivières de Bretagne, Des requins et des Hommes, Sailing Hirondelle, Ligue contre le Cancer du Finistère.

SOS Méditerranée

SOS MÉDITERRANÉE is a European civil sea rescue association. Founded in the spring of 2015, it acts in the face of the humanitarian disaster of shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean. The association's vocation is to provide assistance, without any discrimination and to treat with dignity, any person in distress at sea, in compliance with international maritime law.

Association Eric Tabarly

Association Eric Tabarly

An association born of the death of Eric Tabarly. It was created to keep the Pen Duick in seaworthy condition and to keep them sailing, as well as to continue Eric Tabarly's maritime and educational work by promoting the development of maritime culture, and arousing interest, research and innovation in the various fields of yachting.

Association pacifique

For 20 years, Pacifique has been defending the values of human solidarity and environmental awareness in favor of people and oceans. To this end, Pacifique organizes multidisciplinary expeditions.

Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd was founded in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson in Vancouver, Canada, with the mission of protecting and conserving all marine wildlife. Their mode of action: fight against illegal activities on the high seas. Sea Shepherd investigates and informs the authorities and the general public when laws protecting the oceans are not respected.

Watch The Sea

Watch The Sea is a non-profit organization that organizes expeditions and Seatrekking programs, and is actively involved in protecting the oceans and bringing about sustainable change.

Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux

Since it was founded in 1912, the LPO has been working to protect nature on a daily basis, carrying out three major missions: knowledge and conservation of biodiversity; preservation and management of natural areas; environmental education and mobilization of society.

Eau et Rivières de Bretagne

Eau et Rivières de Bretagne is an environmental protection association founded in 1969. Their mission: to defend and protect the quality of water and aquatic environments.

Des requins et des hommes

Founded in 2011, the Des Requins et des Hommes association offers a concerted approach to the problems of shark and human cohabitation, taking into account scientific, economic and societal considerations, and using a range of tools.

Sailing Hirondelle

Sailing Hirondelle is an association based in Brest. Since 2020, they have been offering to carry various projects: podcasts, videos, comics and other media. Their creations focus on the interconnectivity between humans and the ocean.

Ligue contre le cancer du Finistère

Since 1918, the Ligue contre le cancer has been mobilizing and strengthening its commitment to the fight against cancer. This commitment is reflected in a number of social missions: preventing and promoting health, supporting sick people and their families, advancing research and participating in healthcare democracy.

The Parvis

Mediterranean Stopover & City tourism Village

The Parvis

Stopover English Channel and Celtic Sea & Atlantic Stopover

The Parvis

Protection of the ocean Village & Maritime heritage Village

The Parvis

Sea rescue and the french state’s action at sea Village

The Parvis

Polar Stopover & Pacific Stopover

Discover the program

Saturday 13th July

The Parvis

Olympic Village

Discover the program

Friday, July 12