Stopover English Channel and Celtic Sea Ehanlec’h Breizh ha Mor Keltiek

Stopover English Channel and Celtic Sea

Making a stopover in the English Channel and the Celtic Sea involves coming together in an ambiance reminiscent of Irish and English ports ! During the day, there will be demonstrations of smoking herring, an exhibition about a traditional fishing boat called a Galway Hooker, as well as workshops about ropework. 

The evening’s line-up is concocted with the Festival de Cornouaille. 

Welcome !

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All activities


Jean-Marc Roué, President of Brittany Ferries

The Parvis

TUE. July 16th

Discovery of the marine environment

The diversity of the company’s trades or safety at sea in the presence of sailors and sedentary Britanny Ferries

Travel game, with many prizes to win



Introductory sessions in irish dancing

By associations Blas Ceilteach and Les Pieds dans l'Eire
route du rhum_stand Brittany ferries

Climb aboard with Brittany ferries !

Photobooth, tasting sessions, competitions, the captain’s wheel game, presence of the company mascot and a set of profession themes...
Galway Hookers


An exhibition retracing the heritage of the Galway Hooker
fishing boats, nautical-themed games for children
sailors’ knot demonstration workshops

Herring fishing

Exhibition, herring smoking demonstrations and tasting sessions

Dive into the heart of a fishing village

Exhibitions about boats, photos, basketwork and figurehead sculptures
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Practical info

Opening times

10 a.m. to 11 p.m.


Grand Large Building -
Close to la Criée


Brittany Ferries
Galway Hookers Sailing Club
Alun Lewis
IBTC (International Boat Building Training College)
Dan Houston (The book of Brest)
Andy Peters
River Teifi Coraclers
Mandy Baskets
Handi Voile – PMR Boarding

The stands

Close by

Interbev Bretagne


Ub Mobile – English bus
Le Chtit Bout
Fanny Moreau
Vanille Fraise
Tradition Bretagne
Ficelle and Chaudin
La Pause Gourmande
Fish and chips Nomade 

Partners and support staff


The Parvis

Mediterranean Stopover & City tourism Village

The Parvis

Stopover English Channel and Celtic Sea & Atlantic Stopover

The Parvis

Protection of the ocean Village & Maritime heritage Village

The Parvis

Sea rescue and the french state’s action at sea Village

The Parvis

Polar Stopover & Pacific Stopover

Discover the program

Saturday 13th July

The Parvis

Olympic Village

Discover the program

Friday, July 12