Our Villages Hor c’hêriadennoù

6 themed Villages form the cornerstone of the Brest International Maritime Festival 2024.

Themed Villages are at the heart of the festival concept. At the crossroads between cultural, scientific and technological discoveries, they will highlight our region and its riches, surveillance and rescue at sea, protection of the ocean, promotion of our heritage and our area designated by Paris 2024, Cultural Olympiad. Last but not least, children will be in the spotlight at this year’s event, with a large Village dedicated entirely to them.

The Parvis

Mediterranean Stopover & City tourism Village

Discover the program

Wednesday, July 17

The Parvis

Stopover English Channel and Celtic Sea & Atlantic Stopover

The Parvis

Protection of the ocean Village & Maritime heritage Village

The Parvis

Sea rescue and the french state’s action at sea Village

The Parvis

Polar Stopover & Pacific Stopover

Discover the program

Saturday 13th July

The Parvis

Olympic Village

Discover the program

Friday, July 12